
Fall 2020 Ranking event

The first ranking event will be played on Saturday 17th of October. The venue for the ranking-events is Esport Center […]

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60 years of Tapion Sulka!

Our club turned 60 years old on 21.8.2020. In honor of this festive day the attached video shows members of […]

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Tapion Sulka will cease operations until 29.3.2020

Tapion Sulka ry takes seriously and responsibly the health threat posed by the coronavirus in circulation (COVID-19). Due to the […]

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Tapion Sulka Ry

Valmennuspäällikkö Vellu Melleri
0400 575773

Junioripäällikkö Nella Siilasmaa
© 2020 Tapion Sulka ry
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