Badminton competition for women and girls! Hobby players and competitive players!

February 10, 2023

Women's and girls' own badminton competition Espoo Women's Open is here again with 2023 edition! 4.-5.3.2023 at the Esport Center, competition is for new enthusiasts of the sport, Finland's top players, for all ages from under 11-year-olds to grown-up women, all in their own classes in a joint event!

Classes for hobby players, adults and juniors

The competition has separate hobby classes, in which you do not need a competition license or represent a club to participate. It is for everybody who enjoys badminton! Register for hobby classes by e-mail to Registrations by February 19, 2023. When registering, mention the player's name, singles or doubles (or both), date of birth for junior classes, possible club and the desired size of the competition shirt. All registrations will be answered, so make sure you get a reply to your email. Classes for juniors will be by age group: under 11 year-olds, under 13 year-olds, under 15 year-olds and under 17 year-olds.

There is a singles category and double category in adults hobby competition. You can register for both!

Registration for SSuL's official competition classes is done via tournamentsoftware, by February 19, 2023.


This year, the logo of the competition will be renewed. Come along and be among the first to get a EWO shirt with the new logo!

Tapion Sulka Ry

Valmennuspäällikkö Vellu Melleri
0400 575773

Junioripäällikkö Nella Siilasmaa
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