TS physical trainings during the summer

June 17, 2023

Tapion Sulka organizes free physical training sessions for all its members over the age of 10 twice a week throughout the summer. Nella Siilasmaa works as a coach in the trainings.

On Tuesdays at 6-7:30 p.m., the program includes a running fitness circuit and jumping, later in the summer also activities focused on speed and agility. The departure is from the front doors of Esport at 6pm and the training takes place in the close by area. In case of rainy weather, we move inside Esport to train. Tuesday trainings continue until the end of July, i.e. 25.7. is the last Tuesday physical training.

On Sundays at 6-7:30pm, the program includes stair training at the Lauttasaari sports park (Lahnalahdentie 4, Helsinki). Stair training is great endurance and muscle endurance training, as well as training that develops explosiveness. In case of rainy weather, the rescheduling/cancellation of the practice will be announced on the notice board (Ilmoitustaulu) on the front page of Tapion Sulka's website. There are NO stair workouts on the Sunday after Midsummer (June 25)! Sunday trainings continue until the beginning of the next season, i.e. 13.8. is the last Sunday physical training.

All exercises are suitable for players of many levels, and the strain of all exercises can be scaled according to the player's own physical level. You don't need to register for the trainings separately, and you can attend them when it suits your schedule. However, please arrive on time and be equipped with a drinking bottle and good shoes and clothes suitable for outdoor training.


Tapion Sulka Ry 

Toiminnanjohtaja Lasse Lindelöf
050 5960643
© 2020 Tapion Sulka ry
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