Test scoring system details

29 toukokuun, 2016

BWF has invited all Level 3 BWF Grand Prix, all BWF Level 4, and all international sanctioned junior tournaments taking place between September 2016 and 31 December 2017, to test options for a new scoring system played with “best of five games of 11 points”.

Finnish Junior 2016 is one of the tournaments this new scoring system will be tested. Also the Finnish International Junior Elite 2016 will be using the same experimental scoring system.

For setting the following option has been selected: At 10-all, the player/pair wins the game when a two point lead is achieved, or first to 15 when the score reaches 14-all.

There will only be a one-minute break between games.

Detailed rules

The experimental laws stated below are only those sections that are different than the current laws as per the respective sections of the Handbook II, Section 1A – Laws of Badminton.

The best of five games of 11 points

The following variations shall apply to the Laws of Badminton:

7 Scoring System

  • 7.1 A match shall consist of the best of five games
  • 7.2 A game shall be won by the side which first scores 11 points, except as provided in Law 7.3 and 7.4.
  • 7.3 If the score becomes 10-all, the side which gains a two point lead first, shall win the game.
  • 7.4 If the score becomes 14-all, the side scoring the 15th point shall win the game.

8 Change of Ends

  • at the end of the each game,
  • in the fifth game when a side first scores 6 points

16 Continuous play, Misconduct & penalties

  • 16.2 Intervals
    • 16.2.1 not exceeding 60 seconds, only in the fifth game, when the leading score reaches 6 points ….and ….
    • 16.2.2 not exceeding 60 seconds between the first and second games, second and third games, third and fourth games, and fourth and fifth games shall be allowed in all matches.
Tapion Sulka Ry 

Valmennuspäällikkö Vellu Melleri
0400 575773

Junioripäällikkö Nella Siilasmaa
© 2020 Tapion Sulka ry
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