Welcome to season 2023-2024

August 30, 2023

Dear member of Tapion Sulka,

The new season has gotten off to an excellent start, and the players have found their place in their training groups. If you have questions about the groups, want to increase the number of your own weekly training sessions or someone you know would like to come and test our training, feel free to contact our executive director, Lasse Lindelöf, at lasse.lindelof@tapionsulka.fi.

Here is general information regarding the start of the season:

Club clothing

Club clothes should be updated right at the beginning of the season. Tapion Sulka's official team clothes can be ordered throughout the season directly from the Badstore.fi website (link in our own website). Familiar FZ Forza products and a selected, changing batch of top products are available to members of Tapion Sulka at special prices.

The new club clothes for the 2023-2024 season will be presented on Saturday, September 2, at the same time as this season’s first Ranking competition, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. You don't have to participate in the competition to be able to come and see the new clothes. During the matches, the importer of Forza will be there, who will present not only club clothes, but also other products, such as rackets and shoes. This provides an excellent opportunity to test and order new equipment for the new season. Don't forget to take advantage of club benefits when buying clothes and other equipment - they can be found below as a reminder.

More information on ordering club clothing can be found here: https://tapionsulka.fi/en/club-clothing/ .


Rankings are very popular competition events for Tapion Sulka members (free of charge), where you get to play as even matches as possible, regardless of age and skill level, with other members. If you want, you can challenge yourself to get as high as possible in the ranking list published on the website during the season, but you can also participate in just few events and practice the skills learned in training in match situations.

The ranking events start at 10 a.m., but you should come early to warm up. The ranking event can only be registered in advance via the MyClub application. The easiest way to register is through the club's website by clicking directly on the link of the correct date. The registration is open until the previous Friday at 21:00, after which registration closes. The autumn ranking dates are:





More information about rankings and links to registration: https://tapionsulka.fi/en/ranking-event/ .


Cityjunnusulkis (CJS) is a competition event similar to the rankings, but it is organized by the Finnish Badminton Coaches Association and is aimed at juniors in the capital region (year of birth 2005 and younger). Cityjunnusulkis takes place in Talihalli (Huopalahdentie 28, Helsinki) and lasts a few hours. Registration for the event is done at the hall the same morning, after which you have a bit of time to warm up before the matches start. Registration for younger players (born in 2011 and younger) starts at 9 a.m., it would be good to do the registration at 9-9:15, and for older players (born in 2005-2010) registration starts at 11 a.m., and thus be there by 11 a.m. at the latest.

Cityjunnusulkis offers an excellent opportunity for hobby juniors and beginner competitive juniors to try competing against opponents of their own level. Juniors who actively compete in age groups typically no longer participate in CJS competitions, so the level is clearly more moderate than in official competitions of the Finnish Badminton Association. CJS dates for the fall 2023 are:




More information about the CJS tournaments here: https://tapionsulka.fi/en/information-about-competitions/ .

Member benefits

As a member of Tapion Sulka, you are entitled to the following benefits:

  • you can register in Tapion Sulka's training groups and represent Tapion Sulka in the official competitions of the Finnish Badminton Association
  • you can participate in Tapion Sulka's internal competition, rankings
  • -20% discount on Esport Center Shop products and -15% on other normal priced products
  • -50% discount for juniors from the Esport Center gym, -20% discount for others
  • Juniors have the right to play with a personal €3 game ticket at Esport Center during non-prime time hours
  • you can buy real, feathered shuttles from the club
  • you can buy private lessons at a membership price
  • you can take part in Tapion Sulka's events such as season closing event and pre-Christmas party
  • you get a 40% discount on Tapion Sulka's clothing and a 30% discount on other FZ Forza products on the Badstore.fi website. You can find the discount codes on our website.
  • during the summer season (1.6-31.7) the members of Tapion Sulka have the opportunity to buy badminton summer cards. The prices in previous years have been 20 e for juniors and 40 e for adults.

Tapion Sulka is a non-profit sports association and all income is directed to the development of the club's activities.

Arctic Open

Badminton superstars will arrive in Finland in October to play tour competition of the World Tour called the Arctic Open!

The arena is the Vantaa Energia Areena, where the competition will be played in week 41, 10-15 October 2023. The main sponsor of the event is Supercell, which is participating with its Clash of Clans game. The prize money in the competition is significant in Finnish history terms, more than 400,000 dollars. As badminton is the second largest sport in the world, the World Tour competitions also have an impressive television presence: as the Arctic Open is a Super 500 competition, the reach will be more than 500 million households. In the fall of 2021, Finland organized the mixed team World Championships in the same arena, and according to newspaper reports, it was the most watched TV signal broadcast from Finland of all time, when the final’s broadcast reached approx. 640 million households.

This major badminton event is not to be missed! CLASH OF CLANS Arctic Open ticket sales have already opened: https://www.lippu.fi/artist/arctic-open/?affiliate=ADV .

News - stay up-to-date on the club's activities

The club informs its members about all important and current issues by email. Every month, we send a Monthly email that contains the upcoming month's events and important dates. In addition to the monthly e-mail, individual information may be communicated in separate e-mails.

On Tapion Sulka's website, you can find news and articles where you can find information about current topics and the club's activities.

Tapion Sulka is also active on social media. You can follow the daily life and events of the club on Instagram (@tapionsulka) and Facebook (Tapion Sulka ry).

This is the start of a great badminton season!

Tapion Sulka Ry 

Valmennuspäällikkö Vellu Melleri
0400 575773

Junioripäällikkö Nella Siilasmaa
© 2020 Tapion Sulka ry
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