This is the week of Tapion Sulka junior elite!
OBS: in case of withdrawal, please email as soon as the withdrawal is confirmed.
Draw and schedule HERE
The tournament is played in Esport Center as usual (Koivu-Mankkaan tie 3). There is a possibility to buy some bread and other snacks from the Esport cafeteria, and also lunch salads. There is a Alepa next to the metro station behind the hall and also few restaurant (Putte's pizza and Noodle Master). A 5-minute drive or one metro stop away there are both Ainoa shopping center and the Niitty shopping center.
There will be a stringing service and Forza stall at the hall during the weekend!
Hotel offer for the tournament weekend is still available. Check the details here:
PS. We need a lot of volunteer showing points during the weekend. Everybody is warmly welcome to come and help or just to watch and cheer for the amazing juniors!