Doubles ranking tournament and end-of-the-season picnic 18.5.

April 28, 2024

Welcome to Tapion Sulka's doubles ranking tournament and end-of-the-season picnic on 18.5.!

This spring we will also organize the popular doubles ranking tournament on Saturday 18.5. at the Esport Center. After the games, we will also organize a picnic at Kaskiniity to celebrate the end of the season. You can find more details in the section below, so please remember to register by 16.5.

Doubles ranking tournament

The doubles tournament starts at 10 am at the Esport Center, so be ready on the courts at 9.45 am for the warm-up. Players of all ages and levels are welcome. All pairs will get matches in both the first and later rounds. Choose a pair and sign up for the games together. Unfortunately, it is not possible to register without a pair. The doubles tournament is free, and replaces the last ranking event, so the singles rankings will resume again in the autumn. Scores from this tournament will not affect the rankings. 

NOTE! Unlike in the previous tournaments, both you and your partner must register! This year, we added levels (competitive and hobby) to the entry form to allow players to challenge opponents of their own level. At the request of the players, we are updating this news’ page with the names of those who have registered, so please mark your name on the registration form if you don't want your name to appear (names will be removed after this event). Unfortunately, it will not be possible to register at the hall on Saturday. The event will be played with your own shuttles, which can also be purchased from the event organisers. Please register with your partner for the doubles tournament no later than Thursday 16.5. at 11 pm using the attached form:

We encourage you to wear team outfits, as the best outfit will be rewarded in the doubles tournament! In previous years, double partners have dressed up in animal, swimming or beach themes, so the outfit can be very informal or fun.

Picnic and outdoor games at Kaskiniity

After the doubles tournament and showers, we will move on to Kaskiniity for the end-of-the-season picnic (around 3 pm). The programme will include games such as ultimate, mölkky and other outdoor games, as well as a picnic lunch provided by the Tapion Sulka. You can also bring your own snacks if you wish, and picnic blankets and other yard games are welcome. In case of rainy weather, we will move to a restaurant near the Esport Center to spend the evening, but dinner would not be included.

You can also register separately for the picnic only, but registration is on the same previous registration form. We are updating the names of those who have registered, so please mark the form if you do not want your name to be shown. Closer to the event, all participants signed up for the picnic will receive a separate email reminding them of the practicalities. If you have any questions, please contact An Cong (

See you at the tournament and picnic!

Tapion Sulka Ry

Valmennuspäällikkö Vellu Melleri
0400 575773

Junioripäällikkö Nella Siilasmaa
© 2020 Tapion Sulka ry
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