The fall training season begins on Monday, August 12th, 2024.

Registration will take place on Tapion Sulan's MyClub website. Please Check out the group options here: and login to your MyClub account to book your place in time!

For new members: You can’t sign up for the groups before you are a member of the club. Find out more about becoming a member from the Join the club -page.

We are thrilled about the upcoming season and look forward to new experiences with you in the training groups. Our club officials and coaches are prepared to offer you high-quality coaching and unforgettable badminton experiences.


Badminton + Squash training, 9-14yrs, beginner level, WED at 14:45-15:45

For the first time, racket sport group (Badminton + Squash) is included in the group offer. The group focuses on different games, but basic skills of both sports are also practiced. Suitable for beginners and those who have played a little before. Half an hour we play badminton, half an hour we play squash. Our neighboring club ESRC, Finland's largest squash club, is responsible for the squash part.

Adults: Tactical games and exercises, two levels: medium intensity and high intensity

Group focuses on badminton tactics and match play. Medium intensity group practices on Mon at 19:00-20:00 and high intensity group practices on Thu at 20:00-21:00

Minibadminton 2x/week (6-8yrs)

Minibadminton is not a new group, but this season we have two sessions of minibadminton per week! In the coming years, Tapion Sulka will focus especially on the development of activities for children under 11 years of age, and we strive to make our activities of even higher quality. Our goal is to increase the number of players in this age group and to create a clear and continuous player path for the juniors. The club is hiring a junior head coach to develop this further. Minibadminton training is on Wed at 17:30-18:30 and on Thu at 18:00-19:00

For the juniors practicing more than once a week, we have a quantity discount as follows: 2nd training group is 15% off. 3rd or more training groups are 30% off. The discount is from the cheapest training groups.

See you in August!

Tapion Sulka needs your feedback to improve our training and coaching activities. We value your opinion and feedback, and we would appreciate it if you could take some time to complete the survey.

The survey is designed to gather feedback from our training participants about their training experience, the training program, and the trainers. We want to know what worked well and what can be improved to make our training activities more effective and valuable for our participants.

Your feedback is crucial to help us identify areas that need improvement and to develop better training programs for our future participants. The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete, and your responses will be kept confidential.

Please click on the link provided below to access the survey. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us.

Link to survey

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we look forward to hearing from you.

On Tuesday 30.4. Esport closes at 6 p.m., so only the trainings before this can be organized normally. On May Day, Wednesday 1.5. there are no guided trainings, but the courts are freely available for the members. Esport is open until 10 p.m.

Welcome to Tapion Sulka's doubles ranking tournament and end-of-the-season picnic on 18.5.!

This spring we will also organize the popular doubles ranking tournament on Saturday 18.5. at the Esport Center. After the games, we will also organize a picnic at Kaskiniity to celebrate the end of the season. You can find more details in the section below, so please remember to register by 16.5.

Doubles ranking tournament

The doubles tournament starts at 10 am at the Esport Center, so be ready on the courts at 9.45 am for the warm-up. Players of all ages and levels are welcome. All pairs will get matches in both the first and later rounds. Choose a pair and sign up for the games together. Unfortunately, it is not possible to register without a pair. The doubles tournament is free, and replaces the last ranking event, so the singles rankings will resume again in the autumn. Scores from this tournament will not affect the rankings. 

NOTE! Unlike in the previous tournaments, both you and your partner must register! This year, we added levels (competitive and hobby) to the entry form to allow players to challenge opponents of their own level. At the request of the players, we are updating this news’ page with the names of those who have registered, so please mark your name on the registration form if you don't want your name to appear (names will be removed after this event). Unfortunately, it will not be possible to register at the hall on Saturday. The event will be played with your own shuttles, which can also be purchased from the event organisers. Please register with your partner for the doubles tournament no later than Thursday 16.5. at 11 pm using the attached form:

We encourage you to wear team outfits, as the best outfit will be rewarded in the doubles tournament! In previous years, double partners have dressed up in animal, swimming or beach themes, so the outfit can be very informal or fun.

Picnic and outdoor games at Kaskiniity

After the doubles tournament and showers, we will move on to Kaskiniity for the end-of-the-season picnic (around 3 pm). The programme will include games such as ultimate, mölkky and other outdoor games, as well as a picnic lunch provided by the Tapion Sulka. You can also bring your own snacks if you wish, and picnic blankets and other yard games are welcome. In case of rainy weather, we will move to a restaurant near the Esport Center to spend the evening, but dinner would not be included.

You can also register separately for the picnic only, but registration is on the same previous registration form. We are updating the names of those who have registered, so please mark the form if you do not want your name to be shown. Closer to the event, all participants signed up for the picnic will receive a separate email reminding them of the practicalities. If you have any questions, please contact An Cong (

See you at the tournament and picnic!

Welcome to Tapion Sulka's summer camps in Esport Center!

Summer camp season 2024 has two camps for juniors: one open for everybody from beginners to experienced hobby players and one for competitive players

First camp is open for all hobby players from ages 8 to 15

  • Week 23 (3.-7.6.2024), 9am-3pm from Monday till Friday
  • Includes lunch everyday
  • 3 coaches + possible extra coaches depending on the amount of players joining the camp
  • Price (including lunch and shuttles): 240€
  • Trainings will consist of on-court and off-court exercises, both indoors and outdoors
  • How to register: members of Tapion Sulka register via MyClub. Players outside of the club register via email lasse.lindelö
  • Any questions about the camp can be directed to Lasse (email or phone: 0505960643

Second camp is for competitive juniors from ages 9 to 16

  • Week 24 (10.-14.6.2024), 9am-3pm from Monday to Friday
  • Includes lunch everyday
  • 3 coaches + possible extra coaches depending on the amount of players joining the camp
  • Players will be divided into smaller groups by age or level when needed
  • Price (including lunch and shuttles): 240€
  • Trainings will consist of on-court and off-court exercises, both indoors and outdoors
  • How to register: members of Tapion Sulka register via MyClub. Players outside of the club register via email lasse.lindelö
  • Any questions about the camp can be directed to Lasse (email or phone: 0505960643

Hello everyone interested in badminton! Join Tapion Sulka's WhatsApp community where you can hear about current events and participate in discussions about badminton. Join us here!

Tapion Sulka Ry

Toiminnanjohtaja Lasse Lindelöf
050 5960643
© 2020 Tapion Sulka ry
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