Badminton superstars will come to Finland in October to play a part of the World Tour called CLASH ROYALE Arctic Open powered by YONEX!

The Arctic Open is a part of the Badminton World Tour, where amongst registered players are some Olympic medalists and multiple TOP-10 players in all five disciplines.The arena is the Vantaa Energia Arena, where the competition will be played on October 8-13, 2024. The prize pool in the tournament is significant for Finnish standards, almost 500,000 dollars. As badminton is the second largest sport in the world, the World Tour competitions also have an impressive television presence: as the Arctic Open is a Super 500 competition, the reach will be more than 500 million households. In the fall of 2021, Finland organized the mixed team World Cup in the same arena, and according to newspaper reports, it was the most watched TV signal broadcast from Finland ever, when the final broadcast reached approx. 640 million households. We warmly recommend all players of our club and anyone outside the club who is even slightly interested in badminton to buy tickets to the arena for at least one day. Badminton is the best live!

Check the full player listings here

How to buy the tickets

Still time to buy the tickets! Do it here:

When buying tickets for the Arctic Open, use Tapion Sulka's club code "TAP24" in the section Seuramyynti - Kampanjakoodi (Club sales - Campaign code). For every ticket sold with a club code, the badminton association will gift our club €5!

Juniors' club day at Arctic Open

Here is a unique opportunity for all junior players of Tapion Sulka (born in 2006 or later) to get to watch the world's best badminton players' matches for FREE for one evening on Wednesday 9.10.! There is a coach from our club there to giving the players their tickets and guiding them to the Tapion Sulka seats. It's not mandatory to sit on the Tapion Sulka seats though. Juniors can also sit with their friends or family. The club practices run as usual at the Esport Center on that day, but we even recommend the Wednesday's players to skip that week's training and come to watch and learn from the world's best players. Ticket's can be gotten at 17:00, 17:30 or 18:00 at the arena. If you have to arrive later, please note the coach present (Nella, that she knows to come and give the ticket to the junior. You can leave according to your own schedule.

Registration takes place in MyClub, the deadline for registration is MONDAY 31.9!!!

Dear member of Tapion Sulka!

The new season has begun, and the players are finding their places in their training groups. Here is general information regarding the start of the season:

The executive director of the club on sick leave

The executive director of the club, Lasse Lindelöf, is currently on sick leave due to a serious illness. In the future, contacts are requested to be handled as follows:

Groups and registrations: Nella Siilasmaa (

Other questions about the club or badminton: Vellu Melleri (

Questions related to the board of the club: Laura Vokkolainen (

Open House event on 1.9.

Tapion Sulka together with our neighbor club ESRC (Squash club) organizes an Open House event on Sunday 1st of September from 12:30 to 14:30. At the event, we hope for as many new members as possible to come and try badminton, get the first technical tips from our coaches and get to know our group offering. Current members are also very welcome to attend! There will be a Forza's stand and importer presenting equipment and clothes with many good offers, an service wall challenge, balloons for the youngest in the family and nice time to spend with badminton friends. The courts are mostly reserved for new members for testing the sport. A good opportunity to bring friends and family members to try badminton and squash! Welcome!

Club clothing

Club clothes should be updated right at the beginning of the season. Tapion Sulka's official team clothes can be ordered throughout the season directly from the website (link in our own website). Familiar FZ Forza products and a selected, changing batch of top products are available to members of Tapion Sulka at special prices.

At the Open House event, there is a great chance to check out the clothes at the hall. The importer of Forza will be there, who will present not only club clothes, but also other products, such as rackets and shoes. This provides an excellent opportunity to test and order new equipment for the new season. Don't forget to take advantage of club benefits when buying clothes and other equipment - they can be found below as a reminder.

More information on ordering club clothing can be found here: 


Rankings are very popular competition events for Tapion Sulka members (free of charge), where you get to play as even matches as possible, regardless of age and skill level, with other members. If you want, you can challenge yourself to get as high as possible in the ranking list published on the website during the season, but you can also participate in just few events and practice the skills learned in training in match situations.

The ranking events start at 10 a.m., but you should come early to warm up. The ranking event can only be registered in advance via the MyClub application. The easiest way to register is through the club's website by clicking directly on the link of the correct date. The registration is open until the previous Friday at 21:00, after which registration closes. The autumn ranking dates are:




14.12. (christmas party doubles ranking)

More information about rankings and links to registration: .


Cityjunnusulkis (CJS) is a competition event similar to the rankings, but it is organized by the Finnish Badminton Coaches Association and is aimed at juniors in the capital region (year of birth 2006 and younger). Cityjunnusulkis takes place in Talihalli (Huopalahdentie 28, Helsinki) and lasts a few hours. Registration for the event is done at the hall the same morning, after which you have a bit of time to warm up before the matches start. Registration for younger players (born in 2012 and younger) starts at 9 a.m., it would be good to do the registration at 9-9:15, and for older players (born in 2006-2011) registration starts at 11.30 a.m., and thus be there by 11.30 a.m. at the latest.

Cityjunnusulkis offers an excellent opportunity for hobby juniors and beginner competitive juniors to try competing against opponents of their own level. Juniors who actively compete in age groups typically no longer participate in CJS competitions, so the level is clearly more moderate than in official competitions of the Finnish Badminton Association. CJS dates for the fall 2024 are:




More information about the CJS tournaments here: .


Badminton superstars will come to Finland in October to play a part of the World Tour called CLASH ROYALE Arctic Open powered by YONEX!

The arena is the Vantaa Energia Arena, where the competition will be played on October 8-13, 2024. The prize pool in the race is significant for Finns, almost 500,000 dollars. As badminton is the second largest sport in the world, the World Tour competitions also have an impressive television presence: as the Arctic Open is a Super 500 competition, the reach will be more than 500 million households. In the fall of 2021, Finland organized the mixed team World Cup in the same arena, and according to newspaper reports, it was the most watched TV signal broadcast from Finland ever, when the final broadcast reached approx. 640 million households. When buying tickets for the Arctic Open, use Tapion Sula's club code "TAP24" in the section Club sales - Campaign code. For every ticket marked with a club code, the badminton association will charge our club €5!

This major badminton event is not to be missed! CLASH ROYALE Arctic Open ticket sales have already opened:

Member benefits

As a member of Tapion Sulka, you are entitled to the following benefits:

  • you can register in Tapion Sulka's training groups and represent Tapion Sulka in the official competitions of the Finnish Badminton Association
  • you can participate in Tapion Sulka's internal competition, rankings
  • -20% discount on Esport Center Shop products and -15% on other normal priced products
  • -50% discount for juniors from the Esport Center gym, -20% discount for others
  • Juniors have the right to play with a personal €3 game ticket at Esport Center during non-prime time hours
  • you can buy real, feathered shuttles from the club (30€)
  • you can take part in Tapion Sulka's events such as season closing event and pre-Christmas party
  • you get a 40% discount on Tapion Sulka's clothing and a 30% discount on other FZ Forza products on the website. You can find the discount codes on our website.
  • during the summer season (1.6-31.7) the members of Tapion Sulka have the opportunity to buy badminton summer cards. The prices in previous years have been 20 e for juniors and 40 e for adults.

Tapion Sulka is a non-profit sports association and all income is directed to the development of the club's activities.

News - stay up-to-date on the club's activities

The club informs its members about all important and current issues by email. Every month, we send a Monthly email that contains the upcoming month's events and important dates. In addition to the monthly e-mail, individual information may be communicated in separate e-mails.

On Tapion Sulka's website, you can find news and articles where you can find information about current topics and the club's activities.

Tapion Sulka is also active on social media. You can follow the daily life and events of the club on Instagram(@tapionsulka) and Facebook (Tapion Sulka ry).

This is the start of a great badminton season!

The fall training season begins on Monday, August 12th, 2024.

Registration will take place on Tapion Sulan's MyClub website. Please Check out the group options here: and login to your MyClub account to book your place in time!

For new members: You can’t sign up for the groups before you are a member of the club. Find out more about becoming a member from the Join the club -page.

We are thrilled about the upcoming season and look forward to new experiences with you in the training groups. Our club officials and coaches are prepared to offer you high-quality coaching and unforgettable badminton experiences.


Badminton + Squash training, 9-14yrs, beginner level, WED at 14:45-15:45

For the first time, racket sport group (Badminton + Squash) is included in the group offer. The group focuses on different games, but basic skills of both sports are also practiced. Suitable for beginners and those who have played a little before. Half an hour we play badminton, half an hour we play squash. Our neighboring club ESRC, Finland's largest squash club, is responsible for the squash part.

Adults: Tactical games and exercises, two levels: medium intensity and high intensity

Group focuses on badminton tactics and match play. Medium intensity group practices on Mon at 19:00-20:00 and high intensity group practices on Thu at 20:00-21:00

Minibadminton 2x/week (6-8yrs)

Minibadminton is not a new group, but this season we have two sessions of minibadminton per week! In the coming years, Tapion Sulka will focus especially on the development of activities for children under 11 years of age, and we strive to make our activities of even higher quality. Our goal is to increase the number of players in this age group and to create a clear and continuous player path for the juniors. The club is hiring a junior head coach to develop this further. Minibadminton training is on Wed at 17:30-18:30 and on Thu at 18:00-19:00

For the juniors practicing more than once a week, we have a quantity discount as follows: 2nd training group is 15% off. 3rd or more training groups are 30% off. The discount is from the cheapest training groups.

See you in August!

On Tuesday 30.4. Esport closes at 6 p.m., so only the trainings before this can be organized normally. On May Day, Wednesday 1.5. there are no guided trainings, but the courts are freely available for the members. Esport is open until 10 p.m.

Welcome to Tapion Sulka's summer camps in Esport Center!

Summer camp season 2024 has two camps for juniors: one open for everybody from beginners to experienced hobby players and one for competitive players

First camp is open for all hobby players from ages 8 to 15

  • Week 23 (3.-7.6.2024), 9am-3pm from Monday till Friday
  • Includes lunch everyday
  • 3 coaches + possible extra coaches depending on the amount of players joining the camp
  • Price (including lunch and shuttles): 240€
  • Trainings will consist of on-court and off-court exercises, both indoors and outdoors
  • How to register: members of Tapion Sulka register via MyClub. Players outside of the club register via email lasse.lindelö
  • Any questions about the camp can be directed to Lasse (email or phone: 0505960643

Second camp is for competitive juniors from ages 9 to 16

  • Week 24 (10.-14.6.2024), 9am-3pm from Monday to Friday
  • Includes lunch everyday
  • 3 coaches + possible extra coaches depending on the amount of players joining the camp
  • Players will be divided into smaller groups by age or level when needed
  • Price (including lunch and shuttles): 240€
  • Trainings will consist of on-court and off-court exercises, both indoors and outdoors
  • How to register: members of Tapion Sulka register via MyClub. Players outside of the club register via email lasse.lindelö
  • Any questions about the camp can be directed to Lasse (email or phone: 0505960643

Tapion Sulka doesn't have any coached training sessions during the Easter break on 29.3.-1.4. (except the Kilpa training in Otaniemi on Monday). The courts are in free use of the member though. Courts 14-16 on Friday at 17-18 and courts 11-16 on Monday at 18-21. We wish everybody happy holidays!

Tapion Sulka Ry

Valmennuspäällikkö Vellu Melleri
0400 575773

Junioripäällikkö Nella Siilasmaa
© 2020 Tapion Sulka ry
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