In the calendar below you can find the competition calendar of the juniors. In the right-hand column, you can find the target group of the competition in question. In most of the competitions we will have our club's coaches there to help, about that you can get more detailed information by asking our club's head coach, Vellu. The idea is not to play all the tournaments of the players group, but of course we encourage the players to play as many of the competitions as possible within the player's interest/schedule/ability. Competitions are fun. You also only learn to compete by competing.
You should also ask the other players in your training group which competitions they are participating in. Competitions are even more fun when you get to spend time with your friends, cheer them on in their games and get cheered on in your own games. In competitions, it is always possible to register also for doubles and mixed doubles! You should try to arrange these in advance and ask others who would be willing to play. Competing in doubles categories is definitely its own fun world, which should be included in players' badminton life as soon as possible.
Note: You don't need to buy a competition license to participate in Rankings and CJS, but other competitions require it. Buying a license is easy, and the license is valid for the entire competition season, from August to June. You can find more information about buying a license here.
Registration for the competitions:
For the Rankingit, registration happens via MyClub.
For the CJS, registration happens at the competition hall the same morning. More info here.
For the other competitions, registration happens in tournament software.
14.1. | CJS | Talihalli, Helsinki | 14.1. | Miniässät, Kilpa 3, 4 + hobby players |
21.-22.1. | Kumpoo Juniorieliitti | Parainen | 9.1. | Miniässät, Kilpa 2, 3, 4 |
21.-22.1. | BC Hanhensulan kansallinen | Forever, Matinkylä | 11.1. | Kilpa 1, 2, 3 |
21.1. | Rankingit | Esport Center | 20.1. | Everybody |
28.-29.1. | Tapion Sulan Tammieliitti | Esport Center | 16.1. | Kilpa 1, 2, 3 |
2.-3.2. | SM-kilpailut 2023 | Energia Areena, Vantaa | 19.1. | By ranking |
11.-12.2. | 2023 Ikäluokka-mestaruudet | Puistola, Helsinki | 30.1. | Miniässät, Kilpa 2, 3, 4 |
11.2. | Rankingit | Esport Center | 10.2. | Everybody |
25.-26.2. | Keravan kansalliset | Kerava | 15.2. | Miniässät, Kilpa 2, 3, 4 |
4.-5.3. | Espoo Women's Open | Esport Center | 17.2. | Miniässät, Kilpa 1, 2, 3, 4 + hobby players |
10.-12.3. | Nuorten ja Seniorien SM | Energia Areena, Vantaa | 27.2. | By ranking |
11.3. | Rankingit | Esport Center | 10.3. | Everybody |
18.-19.3. | HBC Juniorieliitti | Talihalli, Helsinki | 6.3. | Miniässät, Kilpa 2, 3, 4 |
25.3. | CJS | Talihalli, Helsinki | 25.3. | Miniässät Kilpa 3, 4 + hobby players |
25.-26.3. | Clear Premier Eliitti | Kaarina | 15.3. | Kilpa 1, 2, 3 |
1.-2.4. | Mansen Sulan Kansalliset | Tampere | 19.3. | Miniässät, Kilpa 1, 2, 3, 4 |
1.-2.4. | Team Sportia Smash-Sulkis Tournament | Itäkeskus, Helsinki | 19.3. | Miniässät, Kilpa 2, 3, 4 |
8.4. | Rankingit | Esport Center | 7.4. | Everybody |
15.4. | CJS | Talihalli, Helsinki | 15.4. | Miniässät, Kilpa 3, 4 + hobby players |
15.-16.4. | Ylivieskan Juniori- ja Seniorieliitti | Ylivieska | 3.4. | Miniässät, Kilpa 2, 3, 4 |
22.-23.4. | ESB Premier Elite | Forever, Matinkylä | 11.4. | Kilpa 1, 2, 3 |
29.-30.4. | PuiU Kansalliset | Puistola, Helsinki | 18.4. | Miniässät, Kilpa 1, 2, 3, 4 |
20.5. | Rankingit | Esport Center | 19.5. | Everybody |